
Informational Text

March 8, 2016
In order to provide students with more opportunities to use discourse, 5th graders are trying something new!  After previewing a variety of articles from Scholastic Storyworks, students selected their top 5 choices.  Topics ranged from the ¨Hero Dogs¨ of World War 1 to the popular video game Minecraft.  Students could even read about the Loch Ness Monster or how people escaped from Alcatraz!  Once these interest based groups are established, students will learn and use non-fiction literature circle roles to analyze the text.  In doing so, students will apply the great discussion and discourse strategies used with novels to informative text.  Analysis of the text will also help students gain a deeper understanding of the content.  Students will then be able to use the information gained through discourse to support their thinking when responding to comprehension questions.


February 12, 2016
The focus of instruction over the next couple of weeks is poetry.  After learning the characteristics of poetry and reviewing literary elements, students will explore a variety of poems.  Students will identify figurative language, such as alliteration, similes, personification, and more by ¨marking up¨ the text.  This means students can highlight, circle, or underline examples.  Students will compare poems and also identify the theme.
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